Help us "Keep Them Flying"!
The Florida Keys Wild Bird Center is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 conservation organization dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of native and migratory wild birds that have been harmed or displaced. While we work hard to provide the best care available, our efforts are fruitless without the contributions of our supporters. Please take a moment to pledge a one-time or monthly donation below. For our birds, no amount is too little or too great. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and the hearts of our residents and patients here at FKWBC.
If you would rather donate materials and supplies to us, we have a Amazon wishlist that our staff regularly updates to match our needs. These items are used both at our Wild Bird Sanctuary and our Hospital.
Corporate Sponsorship
If you are interested in becoming a Corporate Sponsor, please email erin@keepthemflying.org for more information.